5 Tips For Your About Page

The About page of your website is one of the most important pages. It’s where you sell yourself to the client—where you introduce your “why.” Why do you own this business? Why should you be trusted? It’s important to get it right! So here are five tips to consider when you’re writing your About page.

Show your credentials

Make sure that you share your relevant education and work experience. Explaining your degrees, certifications, and experiences can help boost your credibility and increase trust in your abilities to do the job. Your credentials can also set you apart from other professionals in your field.

Introduce yourself

Don’t be afraid to get personal! People need to feel like they know you in order to trust you. Share your hobbies and interests, and any other information you think is important or relatable. You don’t have to share information about your location or family if you’re not comfortable with that.

Say cheese

Don’t forget to share a headshot! It doesn’t have to be stuffy—a photo that suits your brand and your personality will work the best. Don’t over-edit the photo. People want to see who you really are! 

Set expectations

Let people know from the beginning what it’s like to work with you. Set expectations early so that there are no surprises when they experience your services! An added bonus—it helps you weed out clients that may not be a good fit for your work style.

Brand yourself

Make sure your About page matches the tone of your brand and the rest of your site—use the same verbiage and sentence structure. It doesn’t have to be super professional, it just has to be authentic. 

If your About page needs a refresh—or if you’re struggling with website copy—let’s chat! We would love to help you level up your website.


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